Sussurri Alati

by Maria Gabriella Crisci


Meeting an Angel is similar to meeting God ‘face to face’, allowing oneself to be penetrated by his Vibration of Light. It’s like feeling to be part of the Celestial plan.

This book aims to be an instrument of self-knowledge, of gratitude towards these Heavenly Creatures and of observation of the different energies which span the 365 days of the year.

Realizing what happens to us and around us can lead us to better cull the opportunities that vibrate beneath the surface, transforming the most unpleasant emotions and situations into New opportunities for growth.




Spirituality has always been indispensable in my life, despite my being a very concrete and practical person. I was educated in the Christian Faith and for over 20 years my research has intensified, deepening in various Directions and opening my Inner self to different spiritual Sources, from Franciscan Spirituality, through the path to become a Reiki Master, to the study of Kabbalah and Angelology.

I love tales, the authentic ones, and now I’ll be telling you one in a simple and concise way.

Since about ten years I’m holding Courses on the Angels, with a special focus on the 72 Guardian Angels, and I received the gift of feeling Their Presence, beginning to know them in a ‘sensitive and super-sensitive’ way, especially by invocating their Names and singing.

During the summer of 2017 I began to perceive the Presence of the Archangels in a different manner; it’s probable that my training with the Energy of the Angels opened me a way to perceive the higher vibrational frequency of the Archangels and…

I had some night Visions, while I was half-asleep: images of Fire and Water which condensed in a Circle where I could see 9 royal blue ampoules and 9 lighted candles.

The Vision repeated itself many times, till I was able to get up and take some notes. I felt that I was being called to co-create something simply important to my life and perhaps to others.

“It is not easy to listen to the angels: in our prayers, we always try to say where we are wrong and what we would like to happen to us. But the Lord already knows everything, and sometimes he just asks us to listen what the Universe tells us. And to have patience…” Paulo Coelho

Indeed! Patience is necessary to enter in a flow without expectations, and truly place yourself at the Service of a Higher Plan. That’s what I did. Dedicating so much energy to my purification, introspection, bringing out shadowy spots of myself that I had ignored for years: deep cleanings which led me to a real ‘fight with the Angel’, later identified as Archangel Metatron.

With the progress of this acceptance and re-unification work, the Energy has become more concrete and it has taken 2 main Forms:


for Fire 

9 candles dedicated to the Archangels, with scents and colors that they inspired me

Thanks to Cristina Bechis from Candela Amica ( for the immediate understanding of this project, for the support and for the great care she put in making it happen!

for Water

9 mother Essences on a base of waters of Light, activated with the Archangels Energies

Thanks to Cristiana Zenoni ( for the precious and accurate collaboration in the co-creation of all the Essences, and for helping me to channel this Powerful vibration of Love!

Now that the Vision has become REAL, I invite you to explore this Website, letting your intuition take the lead and receiving what you feel good for you.

Thank you so much for your visit!

Maria Gabriella Crisci

“”… each of our vibratory Frequencies has the task to intervene in a Passage of Consciousness, from one level to the other of the Tree of Life, which corresponds to your Family Tree and to your physical Body” (The 9 Archangels)

Maria Gabriella Crisci



Counselor with specialization in ‘Body, Mind and Spirit’

Coach and Teacher in Family and systemic Constellations, education with Attilio Piazza, Bert Hellinger and others
Aura-Soma® Teacher at AS.I.ACT (UK), education with Mike Booth

Reiki Master, RECONNECTION and Reconnective Healing Operator, education with Dr. Eric Pearl< Author of many Texts and articles about Spirituality

a heartfelt THANKS  to Gianni, my life soul-mate, for the constant support to this Project!

How the 9 mother-essences were born…


They originated in a Vision/Call/Inspiration received by Maria Gabriella Crisci.

They are composed of Waters “of Light”, pure water which springs in the sites of the apparition of the Virgin Mary, dispensers of healing energy and whose vibrational properties remain stable.

Each Essence also contains a “flower”, suggested by Cristiana Zenoni, so to create a Heaven-Earth connection.

We selected 9 waters of Light and 9 flowers and we linked them to the 9 Archangels. We recalled each Archangel’s energy and infused it into the bottles with a Ritual based on Invocations, Prayers and Meditations.

The timing of every phase of the process has been chosen with a special attention to some particular cosmic moments.

(Photo: the place where the essences were born)

Try the essences

Try the candles


In this Time of great Transformation of our Planet, Light and Darkness seem to have sharpened the conflict. I feel the important need to be at the Service of a spiritual Masterplan which manifests itself in the most diverse ways.

In 2015 I recorded the CD ‘Incontrare I 72 Angeli della Kabbalah’ (‘Meeting the 72 Angels of the Kabbalah’), and in the following years of deeper contact with the Angels, I wrote the ‘Notebook of 72 Angels’ and the book ‘Sussurri Alati(‘Winged Whispers’ , Alvorada Ed.).

In the early months of 2018 I was strongly urged by some kind of bright, elevated and powerful energies, that I identified to be those of the Archangels. They are still manifesting their presence to me through dreams, visions and symbols.

The word ANGEL means ‘messenger’. The Angels are therefore intermediate creatures between us and the Beings of Light who are the closest to God.

The word ARCHAI, in Greek, means ‘FIRST PRINCIPLES’, and here is the task of the Archangels: irradiate Divine Light through the different Spheres of the Universal Awareness so that we, Human Beings, can fully become ‘in the image and likeness’ of the One who created us. The Archangels are Spiritual Entities of a higher intelligence and love, which can display and arrange the events.

The Archangels are Spirits of the Fire and they can communicate more easily with us through the Light of a flame and its combustion in the air.

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